• Fantasy
  • Adventure all the way

Invasion Day

  • Vincent De Bellis Milos Eratostene Terence Guilpin Raphaël Leylavergne Mohamed Oumoumad Léo Lefebvre Arthur Loiseau Dimitri Trouvé
  • 2016
  • France

Synopsis :

A huge flying saucer invades the Parisian sky and starts hoovering up the whole city…

Benshi's review :

This short film, which intersperses real shots with special effects, seems initially to whisk us into a science-fiction show set in Paris! The students mischievously borrow the motifs of alien invasion movies – scenes of destruction, panicking crowds, the gigantic shadow of a spaceship descending slowly on the city, and fighter jets to fend off the extraterrestrial invaders. Yes, there’s no shortage of nods to American blockbusters, and parents will have easily detected the reference to Independence Day. The opening wastes no time suggesting this is going to be a short disaster film and it’s sure to immediately grab viewers of all ages. But the originality of Invasion Day lies in the clever twist dreamt up by the film’s makers. Although Benshi likes to chat, we’ll hold our tongues here so as not to deprive you of the pleasure of finding out for yourself what happens: expect a big surprise! All we’ll say here is that the second part of the film humorously addresses the overflowing imagination of children, and all while telling us about cinema. The whole family will delight in the funny and satisfying turn taken by a short film which is not as apocalyptic as first impressions suggest.

Suitable for :

Invasion Day is suitable for ages 6 and over. The short film starts with what seem like apocalyptic forebodings but this is quickly defused by a twist that kids will – it’s safe to say – enjoy greatly!

Top reasons to watch the film :

  1. The mixing of genres and techniques
    2. The unexpected fall, while salsa music plays!
    3. The humorous nods to Independence Day
  • Keywords :

  • Science fiction