This very short, dialogue-free film revolves around a simple and amusing visual concept: making the night a character and getting him to play tricks! Mr. Night is on holiday when the day comes. Against a backdrop of real-life still shots of Vilnius, the Lithuanian animated film director Ignas Meilunas concocts funny situations while presenting a likable, dark creature who turns the day into the night.
As if by magic, Mr. Night only has to touch the surface of whatever he chooses and – hey presto! – it suddenly loses it colours. A bike, a dog, a pair of trainers, milk, a car and a stack of books – they are all transformed from bright colours to dark as soon as the crafty Mr. Night lays his hand on them, and it makes for a very entertaining sight!
Set to comedic music with repeating stylings, the film follows a delightful little routine orchestrated by Mr. Night’s actions. It is amazing how much fun it is to watch the process being repeated, with creatures and objects systematically turned from bright to dark – and it still seems surprising each time. Commissioned from the film-maker for the 2016 Césars awards night and completed in record time, this short film invites us to marvel silently at the magic of cinema.