• The divine comedy
  • Toddlers

The Great Migration

  • Youri Tcherenkov
  • 1995
  • France

Synopsis :

It is time for the birds to depart for warmer countries. But the journey certainly won't be relaxing!

Benshi's review :

The trees are losing all their leaves. It is the sign that winter is coming and the birds have to migrate to warmer countries. But while making their way across the skies, our peculiar birds (and they sure are peculiar!) find themselves caught up in nasty weather that causes them to turn their heads, both literally and metaphorically. Director Youri Tcherenkov delights in plunging our feathered friends into a fog so dense that they can no longer navigate or distinguish left from right, nor even up from down. The upshot is a series of barmy situations in which the world is completely upside down: the sea, which logic dictates should be depicted horizontally at the bottom of the screen, appears vertically, forming a huge wall of water that our poor birds crash into! The film's absurdist side is heightened by the characters' improbably zany physical traits, with their wings far smaller than the rest of their bodies. Watching them you can't help thinking that nature sometimes springs big surprises on us.

Suitable for :

Age 3 and above.

Top reasons to watch the film :

  1. A comedy that will have your head spinning with joy
  2. For the wacky-looking birds
  3. For the fantastic use of the upside down screen
  • Keywords :

  • Animals
  • Slapstick
  • Travel