• Friendship and romance
  • The meaning of life
  • Toddlers

Toning Down

  • Oana Lacroix
  • 2021
  • Switzerland

Synopsis :

Every day a featherless nightingale sings and, with its sweet voice, takes the sting out of arguments. But when the bird catches a cold, life in the forest gets complicated.

Benshi's review :

When tempers rise in the forest, all it takes is some sweet whistling to calm things down and restore joy to everyone’s hearts. Music, as we know, mellows people out. The chirpy atmosphere reigns thanks to the singing of a little nightingale who is not quite like any other. We don’t know what kind of battle caused our little hero to lose so many feathers, but the fact is he has been entirely shorn of his plumage. When the winter chill rolls in, he is practically defenceless against the cold and can’t fly off to join the other migrating birds. All he can do is hope the good weather comes back fast!

Toning Down uses humour and music to explain the difficulty of living with others and the need to find balance in a community. For, in this forest, very different creatures rub shoulders on a daily basis, including a mother bear and her cry-baby cub, jumping fish, croaking frogs and fighting squirrels. When they are all faced with an unprecedented situation, they discover solidarity and mutual are the keynotes that enable them to restore harmony to their everyday lives!

Suitable for :

Like a nursery rhyme sung before bedtime, Tone Down is suitable for kids age 2 and over, taking them on a quick tour of the forest, little conflicts and big solutions.

Top reasons to watch the film :

  1. To enjoy a delightful forest ramble
    2. To get an earfull of sweet melodies
    3. To understand what it is to live in a community

Additional information :

A female director conducting

The director of Toning Down is Oana Lacroix, who comes from Switzerland. She is an animator and illustrator, having earned a degree in animation in Lausanne. Her first short film was called Colorbirds (2018).

Why is the film called Toning Down?

The short film’s title has a double meaning. In music, the tone refers to the pitch, quality or strength of a sound. Figuratively, to tone something down means to make it less harsh or extreme, whether that be a sound, a statement or an attitude. Also, saying that something is down can mean that is out of order, not working as it usually does – as is the case with the nightingale’s voice in this film, a development that compels the other creatures to pitch in together to compose a solution that puts a muffler on hostilities.

  • Keywords :

  • Animals
  • Difference
  • Music
  • Nature
  • Solidarity