Delete My Account
Delete My Account
You wish to permanently delete your account and personal data. Once your account is closed, your subscriptions, invoices, and content will no longer be accessible. After the account is closed, we will not be able to restore this information. If you wish to use our platform again, you will need to create a new account.
If you are registered:
If you wish to delete your account, after confirming the closure of your account, you will no longer be able to log in to the platform with your credentials.
If you are in a trial period or subscribed:
If you wish to delete your account, you agree to no longer be able to enjoy your subscription and not to be refunded for any remaining subscription time.
Please make sure to download your invoices in your “My Account” area.
If you are subscribed via Google or Apple, please make sure to unsubscribe in the subscription screen from your device's store.
If you are in the process of unsubscribing or have unsubscribed:
Please make sure to download your invoices in your “My Account” area.