• The divine comedy
  • Toddlers

Animanimals (Season 1)

  • Julia Ocker
  • 2015
  • Germany

Synopsis :

The quirky encounters made by the creatures in the Animanimals series lead to all kinds of obstacles, and sometimes characters end up falling into their own traps... for better or for worse!

Benshi's review :

This series comprises 26 animated episodes that feature quirky encounters with late twists that are often hilarious. As well as making us laugh, they lead us to reflect on our own quirks?

Animals are at the heart of this production. The pink flamingos, crab, giraffes, dog and peacock that feature in the film are cast in day-to-day situations. Whether they involve animals' natural behaviour (the frog catching flies, for example) or animals acting almost like humans (tea time between two flamingo friends, for instance), the playlets all follow the same narrative plan: an initial situation, the intrusion of a disruptive element, then a turnaround at the end. While the disruptive element triggers strong feelings in the main character - such as annoyance, fear or jealousy,... the situation is reversed in comical fashion through a surprising twist. So the viewer laughs on two levels: firstly at the character, and then with the character. The characters' meetings vary from episode to episode, but each time they encounter their opposites ... and end up confronted by themselves! As they are caught in their own trap, an obstacle or danger turns into something useful while a fear or an enemy becomes helpful or comforting. What makes the episodes funny is the way they embrace the absurd before wrongfooting viewers with amusing reversals of situations.

The soundscape adds to the film's humour: music and onomatopoeic noises follow the characters' joyous adventures every step of the way. The framing and use of shades and colours and of off-screen effects build and deconstruct the venue of the meeting where the comedy will play out.

Beyond being funny, these short stories, which are like little sketches, make us think about our human foibles. A sort of moral code emerges, lending these little films the quality of contemporary fables. But if that is the case, then the morals are decidedly brazen: "You always need someone dirtier than yourself" would be one!

This hilarious series will have viewers of all ages in stitches.

Suitable for :

Children from the age of 3 will laugh at the episodes in this animated series but older kids will appreciate more fully the absurd aspect behind the situations in which the characters find themselves.

Top reasons to watch the film :

  1. For the absurd humour and late twists that give the series its distinctive style
    2. To laugh out loud at the preposterous situations that the characters find themselves in
    3. To think about our human quirks and to tease out with your children the cheeky morals of each film
  • Keywords :

  • Absurd
  • Animals
  • Difference
  • Fable